
Happy, Healthy, and more free to pursue your passions

With the new year in full swing, and new year resolutions being at the top of our concern, we are beyond excited to partner with Freshly!!

Freshly was created to make eating healthy easy, no matter what life throws your way. It was a perfect solution for us and our lifestyle because we live on the go! 

Instead of worrying about what's for dinner, come home to a delicious meal cooked by one of their famous chefs. 

Every Freshly meal saves you at least an hour that you would’ve spent shopping, cooking and cleaning. Spend more time doing what you love, with the people you love.

If you love conveniency as much as we do, you’ll love Freshly. All meals are ready in 2 minutes. Less time than it takes to preheat the oven. 

All meals are gluten free, high protein and low carb. Everything is all natural with no processed sugars.

If you act now, you can get six meals cooked by their chefs for as low as $39.00. Check out and let them know Whit + Mariel sent you!

Cheers to a better you!


Whit + Mariel